Circassians call for boycott of Sochi Olympics
Circassians are calling for a boycott of the Sochi Winter Olympics, demanding that Russia's 19th-century military campaign against their people be recognized as a genocide.
Circassians are calling for a boycott of the Sochi Winter Olympics, demanding that Russia's 19th-century military campaign against their people be recognized as a genocide.
Campesinos in Zacatecas state say a Canadian mining multinational "took advantage of their ignorance" when they agreed to rent out their land for a pittance.
Peru's Yanacocha mining company is implicated in another forced eviction of a campesino family from disputed lands in the northern Cajamarca region.
With urban planners along the Green Line foreseeing the shift of Arab-majority suburbs into the West Bank, Israeli calls for "transfer" of the Palestinians are again mounting.
Palestinians from Qusra village apprehended 18 settlers and held them captive after they raided Qusra lands, attacked a youth, and attempted to uproot olive trees.
A clash between Fulani herdsmen and Berom farmers in Nigeria's Plateau state follows growing ethnic violence and vigilantism across the country's northern plains.
Cambodian military police opened fire on striking garment factory workers, killing four, and then dispersed a protest encampment from a central square in Phnom Penh.
Campesinos across Colombia continue to press demands for return of lands usurped by paramilitaries—despite conitnued death threats and legal persecution.
The Guaraní community of Ñandeva in Brazil's Mato Grosso do Sul state are pledging to resist a court-ordered eviction, and to defend their land to the death.
Indigenous groups feel threatened by plans in Congress that could limit the program for returning territory they claim.
The feared Colombian National Police anti-riot force was mobilized to evict an encampment of campesinos who had been displaced from their homes by political violence.
An Inter-American Court of Human Rights ruling for restitution of usurped lands to a Paraguay indigenous community is going unenforced, Amnesty International charges.