Central Asia

Xinjiang: Ramadan terror and repression

Up to 28 were killed in an attack on a police checkpoint in Xinjiang, as Chinese authorities take measures to discourage observance of Ramadan in the mostly Muslim region.

North America

Christian terror plot on Catskill Muslims

A Sufi cleric who is a vocal critic of fundamentalist Islam is targeted by a fundamentalist Christian preacher who sought to massacre the Sufi's community in upstate New York.


Settlers burn mosque amid West Bank blackouts

Extremist Jewish settlers set fire to a mosque in the southern West Bank, as the Israel Electric Corporation cut power to Nablus and Jenin over a supposed debt arrears.


UN meeting on anti-Semitism… Oy vey

The UN hearings on anti-Semitism will certainly enflame anti-Semitism—affording Israel the opportunity for propaganda exploitation, and for Jew-haters to exploit the backlash.


#JeSuisCharlie hypocrisy goes off the charts

Under the hashtag #JeSuisCharlie, an attack on free speech is being used to justify further attacks on free speech… in the paradoxical name of protecting free speech.


Europe: destroying freedom to save it

At thier meeting in Paris to condemn the attack on Charlie Hebdo, European Union government ministers issued a statement calling for further restrictions on the Internet.