
Kurds as pawns in Turko-Russian game?

An alarming confrontation between Turkish and Russian warplanes over the Black Sea ironically comes as both Ankara and Moscow seek to divide Kurds from the Syrian rebels.


Turkey plays FSA off against Kurds

Turkey insists the FSA must take control of Kobani if ISIS is defeated—but fails to say how this will be accomplished without fomenting war between the FSA and Kurdish forces.


Will Kobani intervention spur split in NATO?

Turkey protests US aid to the Kurdish defenders of Kobani, calling the YPG a "terrorist group"—while the US now maintains it is a separate organization from the PKK.


Will world betray Kobani?

As the PKK continues its desperate resistance against ISIS at Kobani, Turkish troops gather on the nearby border—to prevent Kurdish fighters from coming to the town's aid.


New York Kurds stand with Kobani

A group of local Kurdish Americans gathered in New York's Union Square to show their support for Kobani, the Kurdish town in northern Syria now besieged by ISIS.


Turkey prepares military action in Syria

The Turkish government submitted a motion to parliament to expand authorization for military action in Syria. Over 160,000 refugees have fled ISIS into Turkey in recent weeks.