North America

“Patriot” groups, militias surge: report

The number of militias and other extremist groups in the US exploded in 2009, according to a report issued this week by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC).

North America

Pentagon attacker was 9-11 conspiranoid

The man who shot two police officers at the Pentagon was apparently a devoted follower of the 9-11 “Truth” movementā€”who had proposed that the Pentagon fund his “research.”

North America

Austin IRS attacker: “hero” or terrorist?

While politicians and law enforcement equivocate on whether the Austin attack was an act of “terrorism,” Teabaggers and Patriots are hailing Joe Stack as a “hero.”

North America

Maximum sentence for SOA protesters

US federal magistrate G. Mallon Faircloth surprised observers by sentencing three activists to six-month prison terms for trespassing on the US Army’s Fort Benning base.