west africa

Uranium at issue in Great Game for West Africa

The ruling junta in Niger revoked the operating license of French nuclear fuel producer Orano at one of the world’s largest uranium mines. Russian companies have meanwhile indicated interest in picking up the lease for the giant Imouraren mine. However, exports are stalled by closure of the border with Benin, the vital sea corridor for landlocked Niger, as tensions mount between the two countries. The uranium dispute comes as French and US troops have been forced to withdraw from Niger, and Russian forces have moved in. The Pentagon’s AFRICOM commander Gen. Michael Langley has acknowledged that the US is seeking to establish new bases in neighboring West African countries, including Benin. (Map: World Sites Atlas)

East Asia

Taiwan: anti-nuke action gets the goods

As thousands of protesters blocked a main traffic artery in Taipei and clashed with police, Taiwan's government agreed to halt work on two nuclear reactors.

East Asia

Taiwan: 100,000 march against nuclear power

Some 100,000 across Taiwan marked the three-year anniversary of the Fukushima disaster by taking to the streets to demand an end to nuclear power in the island nation.

East Asia

Fukushima: the greatest danger comes now…

As nuclear boosters tout a dubious WHO study finding minimal excess cancer risks from the Fukushima disaster, TEPCO's new phase in the clean-up holds even greater peril.

East Asia

Fukushima: the cover-up continues

As a lawsuit over the government’s failure to evacuate Fukushima prefecture’s children is on appeal, Japan’s government attempts to downplay reports of elevated thyroid abnormalities.

East Asia

Radiation cover-up at Fukushima exposed

Japan’s Environment Ministry is investigating claims that clean-up contractors at Fukushima have illegally dumped contaminated materials in rivers and open areas.

East Asia

East China Sea edging towards war…

Chinese and Japanese aircraft had a near-confrontation over the disputed Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands on the very day that China officially commemorated the 1937 Rape of Nanking.

East Asia

Japan retreats from nuclear power phase-out

Japan’s cabinet turned down recommendations of a special panel to phase out nuclear power by 2040—a move openly portrayed as a capitulation to the nuclear lobby.

East Asia

Okinawa protesters score win over Pentagon

A protest campaign on Okinawa has won a commitment from the Pentagon and Japanese government to delay deployment of Osprey aircraft to the island pending further study.