The Andes

Protest Ollanta Humala in New York City

Peru's President Ollanta Humala will be honored by the free-trade-boosting Americas Society on Thursday night. New York activists will be there to protest.


Mexico: wages stay down in stalled economy

Two decades after NAFTA went into effect, Mexico has one of the worst-performing economies in the region. A warning for other countries on "free trade" deals?


Subcommander Marcos ‘ceases to exist’

A new communique from the Zapatistas' Subcommander Marcos states that he is stepping down as the public voice of the indigenous rebel army in Mexico's Chiapas state.


Rival trade pacts vie for Pacific hegemony

China is proposing a Free Trade Area of the Asia Pacific (FTAAP) in  a race with the US-backed Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) for hegemony in the Asia-Pacific region.

The Andes

May Day mining disaster in Colombia

An unknown number of miners—perhaps as many as 40—were buried alive as an illegal gold mine collapsed at El Palmar, in Colombia's southern region of Cauca.

East Asia

Taiwan gets a Maidan movement?

Hundreds of students remain barricaded in Taiwan's legislature in protest of the ruling party's push for a Cross-Strait Trade Agreement with the People's Republic of China.

The Andes

Chile-Peru border dispute: back on

Days after The Hague issued a ruling on their maritime border dispute, Peru and Chile are bitterly at odds over a patch of desert on their land boundary.