
Did Iran shelter Sulaiman Abu Ghaith?

Reports that Obama bin Laden’s co-conspirator and brother-in-law Sulaiman Abu Ghaith was sheltered in Iran could lubricate the war drive—but how credible are they?

Watching the Shadows

John Kiriakou: CIA whistle-blower?

Ex-CIA agent John Kiriakou gets five years for blowing the cover of a fellow agent, and claims that he is a “whistleblower” on CIA torture—despite having justified the practice.

Watching the Shadows

Gitmo detainee seeks ECHR ruling on CIA prison

Gitmo detainee Abu Zubaydah asked the European Court of Human Rights to rule on whether Poland violated his rights by hositng a secret CIA prison where was tortured. 

Watching the Shadows

Prison evidence at issue in 9-11 trial

Defense lawyers for the five accused 9-11 conspirators petitioned a US military judge at Guantánamo Bay to preserve the prisons where the defendants were held as evidence. 

Watching the Shadows

Conviction of al-Qaeda media director vacated

The US Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit vacated the conspiracy conviction of Ali Hamza Ahmad Suliman al-Bahlul, former media secretary of Osama bin Laden.