Greater Middle East

UK: ex-Gitmo detainee in Syria terror bust

British counter-terrorism forces arrested Moazzam Begg in his hometown of Birmingham, along with three other individuals on terrorism offenses related to the war in Syria.


HRW: Iraq women being abused in detention

Human Rights Watch reports that Iraqi security officials are detaining thousands of women illegally and subjecting them to torture, ill-treatment and threats of sexual abuse.

Watching the Shadows

US transfers two Gitmo detainees to Saudi Arabia

Two Guantánamo Bay detainees were transferred to Saudi Arabia—with “humane treatment assurances.” The total number of detainees at the facility now stands at 160.
Watching the Shadows

Gitmo detainees accuse Poland in CIA rendition

​Lawyers for two Guantánamo detainees, arguing before the European Court of Human Rights, accused Poland of providing a secret torture site for the CIA's "rendition" program.

Watching the Shadows

Gitmo detainees to fight release to Algeria

The attorney for two Algerian detainees being held in Guantánamo Bay said the two will oppose their release back to Algeria, citing fear of torture and persecution there.

Greater Middle East

Bahrain arrests two ex-Guantánamo detainees

Bahraini authorities arrested two former Guantánamo detainees as they attempted to cross in from Saudi Arabia. They are charged with plotting an attack in Bahrain.

Watching the Shadows

Italy begins trial in absentia of Egyptian cleric

His case delayed for years by his “extraordinary rendition” by the CIA from Milan to Egypt, cleric Abu Omar went on trial in absentia on charges of terrorist conspiracy in Italy.