
Israel detains Palestinian for Facebook posts

Palestinian activist Suhaib Zahida was ordered detained by an Israeli court for starting an "Intifada of Hebron" Facebook page and advocating a boycott of Israeli products.

Watching the Shadows

Ex-Gitmo detainee appeals conviction

Australian citizen and former Guantánamo detainee David Hicks filed a motion to dismiss his conviction before the US Court of Military Commission Review.

Watching the Shadows

Convictions of ex-Qaeda media director overturned

A US appeals court overturned two out of three convictions of al-Qaeda media secretary Ali Hamza Ahmad Suliman al-Bahlul, finding he was improperly tried by a military tribunal.


Appeals court revives Abu Ghraib torture suit

The Fourth Circuit appeals court ruled that a district court in Virginia erred in concluding it lacked jurisdiction over a case concerning torture at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq.

Watching the Shadows

Appeals court dismisses Gitmo detainee lawsuit

The US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia dismissed a torture lawsuit brought by an ex-Guantánamo detainee against former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld.

Watching the Shadows

Judge orders halt to force-feeding at Gitmo

The US District Court for the District of Columbia ordered officials at Guantánamo Bay to temporarily suspend forced feedings of a detainee at the facility.