
US drops Cuba from terrorism list

The US government formally removed Cuba from its list of state sponsors of terrorism as a step toward restoring full diplomatic relations. Cuba had been listed since 1982.

The Caribbean

Assata Shakur as political football

The US political right uses Assata Shakur to take a hit at Obama's Cuba opening while simultaneously getting subliminal licks in at the Black Lives Matter protests.

The Caribbean

Cuba: US agrees to normalize relations

After 53 years the US has finally decided to restore relations with Cuba. Alan Gross and the Cuban Five are free, some restrictions are eased, but the embargo continues.

The Caribbean

Cuba: leftists, US firms praise new policy

The new Cuba policy is popular in Latin America and has gained majority support in the US. Meanwhile, US corporations are lining up to get a piece of the action.

The Caribbean

Cuba: USAID head quits after latest scandal

After three exposés in one year about USAID "democracy promotion" programs in Cuba, the agency's head is out at last. His record in Haiti hasn't been that much better.

The Caribbean

Cuba: another USAID program exposed

Just four months after AP reported on the US "Cuban Twitter" program, the wire service has revealed the existence of another program to "stir rebellion" among Cuban youth.