Aral Sea almost gone: NASA
Satellite photos released by NASA reveal that the eastern basin of the Aral Sea has completely dried up. Water levels are less than 10% of what they were 50 years ago.
Satellite photos released by NASA reveal that the eastern basin of the Aral Sea has completely dried up. Water levels are less than 10% of what they were 50 years ago.
Activists charge that a regional director of Peru's Water Authority was sacked for refusing to approve "relocation" of a mountain lake in preparation for the Conga mega-mine.
The mayor of a jungle pueblo was among three killed in clashes during a general strike related to the Camisea gas pipeline in Peru's Convención Valley.
Long favored by the Mexican government, Grupo México is becoming a major embarrassment as its biggest mine persists in polluting the Sonora River.
In addition to breaking strikes and killing miners, the mammoth Grupo México mining company has now managed to contaminate two rivers near the US border.
Kurdish parliament leaders charged that ISIS is selling abducted Yazidi women in Mosul, and that an Iranian Quds force has intervened against ISIS—with US connivance.
The taking of the Mosul Dam on the Tigris River from ISIS by Peshmerga forces backed by US air power highlights the strategic nature of water in the multi-sided Iraq conflict.
A Yazidi militia group has entered the fight against ISIS, clashing with militants near Sinjar—while Baghdad's army command objected to foreign military aid to Kurdish forces.
ISIS fighters carried out a massacre of Yazidis at an occupied village, while Hezbollah militiamen are accused in a massacre of Sunni Arab residents in central Iraq.
Water was cut off to the capital of Mexico's Sonora state after a toxic spill at a mine turned a river orange—as Yaqui Indians protest theft of their waters by a new aqueduct.
Nicaragua approved a route for its proposed inter-oceanic canal—sparking demands both by the Rama indigenous people and neighboring Costa Rica to be consulted in the project.
More problems for Latin America's "Gold Rush": while controversy continues over the Belo Monte dam, a nearby gold mine is blocked by a judge.