Pressure on Mexico to free peasant ecologist
Mexican ecological defender Ildefonso Zamora is now in his seventh month behind bars, despite calls for his relase from Amnesty International and Greenpeace.
Mexican ecological defender Ildefonso Zamora is now in his seventh month behind bars, despite calls for his relase from Amnesty International and Greenpeace.
Advocacy group Survival International has launched a campaign to prevent the annihilation of tribal peoples in Brazil, to coincide with the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio.
Experts declare a "new oil order" in which hydrocarbons will lose market share to renewables. But is it market conditions or geopolitics that explain the current price slump?
Afro-Colombian protesters blocking the Pan-American Highway in southern Cauca region to protest illegal mining on their lands were violently dispersed by the riot police.
Four arrested in the murder of environmentalist Berta Cáceres include two members of the armed forces and two employees of the company building the dam she opposed.
Thousands converged on Guatemala City on Earth Day, the culmination of a cross-country march by peasants and popular organizations to demand local rights over access to water.
The planned São Luiz do Tapajós mega-dam in Brazil's Amazon received a significant setback when its license was suspended on grounds of its impacts on indigenous peoples.
Human rights group Global Witness ranked Honduras as the world's most dangerous country for environmental defenders, with 109 slain over the past five years.
Pakistan's government succeeded in persuading thousands of protesters occupying downtown Islamabad to stand down by pledging not to reform the country's blasphemy laws.
Bolivian President Evo Morales announced that his government will bring suit against Chile before the World Court seeking compensation for waters of the disputed Río Silala.
Environmentalists are condemning Vancouver-based Eco Oro Minerals' announcement that it will sue Colombia over its new policy to protect sensitive highland ecosystems.
Ethiopia has completely halted the flow of water into Somalia by closing the gates on irrigation dams along the Shabelle River—leaving dry a key agricultural region.