Greater Middle East

Middle East may become uninhabitable: FAO

The UN Food and Agriculture Organization warned that the Middle East and North Africa risk becoming uninhabitable in a few decades, with water reserves falling dramatically.


Syria: carnage and betrayal in Raqqa endgame

The US air-lifts Kurdish fighters into ISIS territory in preparation for a final assault on Raqqa—while bombing the city, deepening the growing enmity between Kurds and Arabs.


Iran: Ahwazi militants blow up pipelines

Ahwazi Arab militants claimed responsibility for two pipeline blasts in Iran's Khuzestan province, amid growing unrest over the ecological impacts of oil exploitation.

Central Asia

Tibet: climate struggle frontline

Climate change is found to blame for a massive avalanche that killed nine yak-herders in Tibet, as indigenous resistance continues to China's extractive agenda for the region.

North America

Dakota Access pipeline blocked —for now

After weeks of protest, the Army Corps of Engineers denied approval for the last remaining easement needed for the Dakota Access Pipeline—but the company pledges completion.