The Andes

Colombian general captured by FARC resigns

Colombian Gen. Ruben Dario Alzate resigned one day after his release by FARC guerillas who had captured the top official unarmed in rebel-controlled territory.

The Andes

Colombia: crime lord falls, para links revealed

The capture of "Marquitos," reigning crime lord of Colombia's La Guajira region, was followed by revelations of his deadly dealings with local paramilitaries and politicians.

The Andes

FARC fighters face indigenous justice

A Nasa indigenous court in Toribio, in Colombia's Cauca department, convicted seven FARC guerillas over the murder of two members of the local Indigenous Guard.

The Andes

Colombia: mass graves exhumed in Cauca

At least 18 bodies found in three mass graves near the pueblo of Tacueyó in Colombia’s Cauca department are believed to be victims of a guerilla massacre.

The Amazon

Colombia and Peru to ‘cleanse’ Putumayo

The presidents of Colombia and Peru pledged to launch a joint operation to "cleanse" the Putumayo river valley of criminal gangs that control the remote jungle border zone.