Central Asia

Tibetan dissident film-maker released in China

International rights groups welcomed the release of Tibetan film-maker Dhondup Wangchen, imprisoned in China in 2008 for shooting the documentary Leaving Fear Behind.

Central Asia

Xinjiang: officials sentence 55 in public rally

Chinese officials in Xinjiang held a public rally at a sports stadium for the mass sentencing of accused "terrorists," in which 55 were sentenced before a crowd of 7,000 people.

Central Asia

US plays Mongolia card against China

Pentagon chief Chuck Hagel signed a "joint vision" statement with Mongolia calling for expanded military cooperation—clearly aimed at further encirclement of China.

Central Asia

Arson attacks on Tibetan monasteries?

Three mysterious blazes at historic Tibetan monasteries across western China in as many months have sparked speculation about a campaign of arson attacks. 

Central Asia

France to extradite ex-Kazakh energy minsiter

France agreed to exradite the ex-Kazakh energy minister to Russia on corruption charges—despite fears that he will be turned over to Kazakhstan, to face torture.

Central Asia

Han-Uighur solidarity amid Xinjiang violence

As another deadly clash is reported from Xinjiang, Shanghai journalist Yang Haipeng has started donning a Uighur skullcap at security checkpoints as a gesture of solidarity.