Central America

Panama: Colombian refugee killed in the Darién

A Colombian refugee living in Panama was killed in Darién province, a jungle region bordering Colombia that has experienced incursions in the past by Colombian armed groups.

Central America

Honduras: teachers strike for back pay

Following a campaign that included sit-ins in government offices, teachers in Honduras began an open-ended strike to demand months of back pay last week. The government has agreed to negotiations.

Central America

SOA protesters get prison terms

Five activists were sentenced to two-month prison terms for trespassing on the US Army’s Fort Benning base on Nov. 23 as part of an annual protest against the School of the Americas.

Central America

Huan banner at SWF

A group of UN human rights experts, including the special rapporteurs on freedom of assembly, freedom of expression and extrajudicial exections, issued a statement urging the government of Nicaragua to "stop the repression" following 100 days of unrest in which at least 317 have been killed and 1,830 injured. "Reports indicate that there has been an increase in targeted repression, criminalization and alleged arbitrary detention, which is creating an atmosphere of fear," the statement said. "We are appalled that many human rights defenders, journalists and other opposition voices are being criminalized and accused of unfounded and overly punitive charges such as 'terrorism'." (Poto via Noticiias ONU)

Central America

El Salvador: elections marred by violence, irregularities

Both sides claimed victory in El Salvador’s elections—the leftist FMLN winning control of the legislative assembly and the right-wing ARENA taking the government of the capital. Two FMLN activists were assassinated in lead-up to the race.

Central America

Honduras: teachers sit in for back pay

Honduran teachers occupied the Education Secretariat to protest the government’s delays in paying salaries and its failure to pay full year-end bonuses.

Central America

Obama urged to suspend CAFTA

Members of the Stop CAFTA Coalition, along with allies in Central America and the Dominican Republic, have compiled a report that describes the trends and impacts of the first three years of the U.S.-Dominican Republic-Central America Free Trade Agreement (DR-CAFTA)…. Read moreObama urged to suspend CAFTA