Central America

Honduras: right wing offers constitutional reforms

Honduras’ National Congress passed reforms the Constitution that would open the way to changing key elements of the document–including the ban on presidential reelection–by popular referendum.

Central America

Guatemala declares emergency as Zetas threaten state

Guatemala has declared a state of emergency along the jungle border with Mexico in response to threats from Los Zetas. The narco gang responded by declaring “war” on the Guatemalan state.

Central America

Honduras: cops evict campesinos, arrest reporters

Honduran police, soldiers and private guards injured three campesinos and detained 12 during an attempt to evict a family from their home in Coyolito on the Zacate Grande peninsula.

Central America

Honduras: campesinos march for land rights

Hundreds of campesinos marched in Tegucigalpa to demand that the Honduran government resolve longstanding land conflicts in the Lower Aguán River Valley.

Central America

US: SOA protest marks 20th year

About 5,000 activists marched in front of the US Army’s Fort Benning base in Columbus, Georgia, in the 20th annual protest against the US Army School of the Americas (SOA).

Central America

Costa Rica: Congress bans open-pit mines

Following a wave of ecologist protests, Costa Rica’s congress unanimously approved revisions to the Mining Code that would ban open-pit mining of heavy metals in future projects.

Central America

Costa Rica: gold mine protesters end fast

A group of Costa Rican environmental activists held a “Cultural Festival for Life” to conclude a hunger strike they began on Oct. 8 against the projected Las Crucitas open-pit gold mine.

Central America

Honduras: labor struggles heat up

Representatives of Honduran unions and grassroots movements agreed to schedule a series of actions over the next two weeks around the national minimum wage and other labor issues.