
‘Car Intifada’ comes to England?

As the commentariat debates whether the London SUV attack was terrorism or the work of an apolitical loner, both sides will overlook the critical factor of car culture.

Central Asia

Anti-terror ‘security state’ in Xinjiang

The Uighur people of China's Xinjiang province are coming under unprecedented surveillance and militarization amid official fears of terrorism in the far-western region.

The Andes

Lima: indigenous squatter camp burns

Shipibo indigenous shanty-dwellers near downtown Lima are pledging to resist forcible relocation after a mysterious fire swept through their community.

The Andes

Bogotá: controversy over urban clearance

Authorities in Bogotá began demolishing a notorious district near the city center locally known as "the Bronx"—but seemingly no plans were made for the displaced residents.


Paris: police suppress climate protests

Police in Paris used tear-gas and batons to break up protesters who attempted to gather ahead of the UN climate summit in defiance of a state of emergency.

New York City


From Gothamist, Aug. 11: Cobble Hill Locals Mourn Death of Beloved Oriental Pastry & Grocery Co-Owner Cobble Hill shopkeepers and local residents are reeling from the sudden death of Muyassar Moustapha, who was fatally run over on Atlantic Avenue on… Read moreWHY WE FIGHT


‘Car Intifada’ comes to France?

An outbreak of motorist attacks on pedestrians in France is spun exclusively in terms of Islamist extremism, leaving out the critical factor of car culture.

The Amazon

Lima climate summit in shadow of state terror

Peru's government made much of its rainforest protection efforts at the Lima climate summit—but a new report names it as the fourth most dangerous country for ecology activists.

East Asia

Hong Kong to Ferguson: corporate police state

The pepper spray used by Hong Kong police is made by the Sabre company—its headquarters just oustide Ferguson, Mo., now exploding into protest over the Michael Brown case.