UN: Burma in ‘ethnic cleansing’ of Rohingya
An official of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees accused Burma of widespread atrocities as part of an effort to "ethnically cleanse" Rohingya Muslims from the country.
An official of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees accused Burma of widespread atrocities as part of an effort to "ethnically cleanse" Rohingya Muslims from the country.
Villages are in flames and hundreds displaced in a new army crackdown on supposed Rohingya militants—days after President Obama lifted all sanctions on Burma.
Bolivia broached legislation that would impose criminal penalties for illict coca cultivation—just as the government has turned to Russia for military and anti-narcotics aid.
Human rights abuses against the Rohingya in Burma may amount to crimes against humanity, according to a new report by the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights.
As ethnic insurgencies continue, opium-growers in Burma's northern mountains issued a statement demanding a halt to eradication programs as essential to any peace deal.
With poppy harvest season approaching, tensions are high in Burma's Kachin state following clashes between opium-growing peasants and a citizen anti-drug movement.
Burma’s regime signs a "national ceasefire" with ethnic rebels in the opium-producing north ahead of historic elections—but the biggest rebel armies didn’t sign on.
Rival factions of India's longest running ethnic insurgency are divided on whether to accept a peace deal with the government—as Delhi turns up military heat on the hold-outs.
The Dalai Lama appealed to Burma's Nobel peace laureate Aung San Suu Kyi to speak up for the country's persecuted Muslim Rohingya minority amid a worsening refugee crisis.
Burma enacted a new law requiring mothers in designated areas to space the births of their children three years apart—a measure clearly aimed at the Muslim minority.
After weeks of escalating tensions along the remote mountain border, a Burmese MiG-29 fighter jet carried out an air-strike on Chinese territory, killing four farm workers.
The latest fighting in Burma's opium-producing hinterlands involves a Han Chinese ethnic group, the Kokang. Some 50,000 have fled across the border into China.