The Amazon

Bolivia: indigenous mobilize against inter-oceanic highway

Indigenous people in the eastern lowlands of Bolivia are preparing to set out on the long overland march to La Paz to protest plans for a trans-oceanic highway to be built through their rainforest lands with the backing of the Brazilian government.

The Amazon

Brazil: narco-massacre of “uncontacted” Amazon tribe?

Brazil’s indigenous agency FUNAI has launched an emergency investigation after a guard post at a reserve for isolated indigenous peoples in the rainforest of Acre state was overrun by heavily armed men thought to be drug traffickers.

The Amazon

Peru: is Inambari hydro-dam project really cancelled?

Skeptical community activists in Peru’s conflicted Puno region charge that the government’s official cancellation of the giant Inambari hydro-electric dam is a “trick” to defuse protests and buy time to move ahead with the project.