Brazil: indigenous activists disrupt fracking auction
Indigenous leaders and activists interrupted an auction of oil and gas exploration blocs in Rio de Janeiro, seizing the stage to discuss climate change and indigenous rights.
Indigenous leaders and activists interrupted an auction of oil and gas exploration blocs in Rio de Janeiro, seizing the stage to discuss climate change and indigenous rights.
Guaraní leaders at Itika Guasu say Bolivia's government has used rivalries over oil revenues to instrument a split and impose a new "parallel" leadership over the community.
Canada's high court ruled that Ecuadoran villagers seeking to enforce a multi-billion dollar judgment against Chevron may pursue the case against the company's Canadian subsidiary.
A Guarani-Kaiowa indigenous leader was shot dead in Brazil's Mato Grosso do Sul state, one week after his community occupied part of their ancestral lands usurped by ranchers.
In new protests over the Bloc 192 oil-field in the north Peruvian Amazon, some 20 indigenous Achuar and Kichwa warriors occupied the local air-strip of multinational Pluspetrol.
Bolivian National Police used batons and tear-gas to break up a road blockade launched by Guaraní indigenous residents to protest gas exploitation on their traditional lands.
Some 100 Guarani activists launched an occupation of the Justice Ministry building in Brasilia, demanding action on demarcation of ancestral lands usurped by ranchers and agribusiness.
Indigenous advocates are urgently opposing a plan by Peru's Culture Ministry to establish "contact" with an isolated band in the Amazon under pressure from illegal loggers.
Citing a lack of cllarity from Peru's government, traditional leaders of indigenous peoples suspended dialogue in the "consultation" process over oil operations in the Amazon.
Over the objections of members of his own cabinet, President Evo Morales now says he will revive an Amazon highway project that was suspended after a wave of angry protests.
Members of the Pemón indigenous people blocked the landing strip of Venezuela's Canaima National Park in protest of illegal miners operating on their lands.
Indigenous people and advocacy groups charge the mega-project to build a transcontinental railway through the Amazon basin would mean "genocide" for isolated tribes.