
Black Mauritanians: compensation not enough

Twenty years after a military regime killed hundreds of mostly black Mauritanians, another military government is promising to compensate their families. While some victims’ associations welcome reparations, other affected families and many NGOs say compensation equals impunity


Did Israel bomb Sudan?

An airstrike on a convoy of arm smugglers in Sudan in January was launched by Israel and not US, according to growing reports. Prime Minister Ehud Olmert boasted: “We operate everywhere.”


Israel: Eritrea destabilizes Horn of Africa

Israel’s ambassador to Ethiopia charged that Eritrea is trying to destabilize the peace process in the Horn of Africa, and serving as a save haven for terrorist groups.


Madagascar: coup d’etat or revolution?

The African Union, after initially calling it an “attempted coup,” issued a new statement accepting the military’s installation of opposition leader Andry Rajoelina as president of Madagascar. ExxonMobil, the French Total and Rio Tinto Group have oil and mineral interests in Madagascar, which has rich deposits of iron ore and bauxite. Investors have hailed Ravalomanana’s free-market reforms, while Rajoelina accused him of running Madagascar like a dictator, while letting his people starve. Most of the island’s population lives on less than $2 a day.

Photo: IRIN


International lines drawn in Sudan war crimes warrant

While the Arab League is solidly rejecting the war crimes indictment against Sudan’s President Omar al-Bashir, divisions are emerging within the African Union, UN and even Sudan’s Islamist movement.


Somalia president announces support for sharia

Somali President Sharif Sheikh Ahmed said he would support the imposition of a “moderate” form of sharia law as part of a cease-fire agreement with the country’s insurgents.


Riots rock Madagascar

Security forces in Madagascar’s capital fired teargas to disperse looters after an anti-government protest. Civil unrest has left 125 dead since the protest campaign began in January.