
Pakistan: Ashura terror in Kashmir, Karachi

A suicide bomb in Muzaffarabad, in Pakistan-administrated Kashmir, killed at least 15 and injured over 100 in an attack on a Shi’ite religious procession marking the Ashura holy period.


Congress to probe “US funding of Taliban”

A House committee has launched an investigation into claims that US military contractors in Afghanistan are paying the Taliban to guarantee the safety of their transportation convoys.


Afghan women march against warlord impunity

Hundreds of women, many carrying pictures of relatives killed by drug lords or Taliban militants, marched in Kabul, demanding that President Karzai purge his government of war criminals.


Blackwater black ops behind Pakistan terror wave?

A Pakistani judge demanded the Interior Ministry reply to a petition requesting disclosure on the activities of Blackwater in the country, alleging a corporate role in the relentless terror attacks.


Afghan cabinet ministers investigated for corruption

The Afghan attorney general announced that two cabinet ministers are being investigated on corruption charges—a week after President Karzai vowed in his inaugural address to fight corruption.