
Af-Pak between two poles of terrorism

Three-year old Shakira, disfigured by a drone strike on her Pakistani village, has just arrived in Houston for surgery. Yet, unlike the woman whose nose was cut off by the Taliban, she will not be exploited for propaganda, at least.


Pakistan: drone victims seek arrest of CIA officials

The Pakistan-based Foundation for Fundamental Rights, representing the victims of drone attacks, is seeking an international warrant for the arrest of CIA station chief Jonathan Banks who has fled the country to avoid prosecution.


Afghanistan: Karzai and ISI each play both sides?

BBC quotes several Taliban commanders boasting of the aid they receive from Pakistan’s ISI. Afghan President Karzai reacts by telling Pakistani TV: “God forbid, if ever there is a war between Pakistan and America, Afghanistan will stand by Pakistan.”


Afghanistan: government denies UN torture allegations

The Afghan Ministry of Interior Affair and the National Security Directorate denied allegations of widespread torture of prisoners made earlier this week in a report by the UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan.


Afghans hold anti-US rally to mark 10-year war anniversary

Hundreds of Afghans marched through Kabul on the eve of the 10-year anniversary of the US military campaign in their country, to condemn the United States forces as occupiers and demand the immediate withdrawal of all foreign troops.


Did US promise Haqqani network role in Afghan government?

In a BBC interview, Siraj Haqqani denied that the Haqqani network is responsible for killing Burhanuddin Rabbani, or is receiving aid from Pakistan’s ISI—but asserted that he’s been approached by the US to join the Afghan government.


Karzai charges: Pakistan is power behind Taliban

In the wake of Burhanuddin Rabbani’s assassination, Afghan President Hamid Karzai says trying to talk peace with the Taliban is futile, that the real power behind the insurgents is Pakistan, and that Afghanistan’s best option is to negotiate with Islamabad.


US soldier sentenced for murder of Afghan civilians

A soldier with the US Army was sentenced for his role in murdering an unarmed teenage Afghan civilian in Kandahar province last year. Pvt. Andrew Holmes of the 5th Stryker Brigade was sentenced to seven years in prison as part of a plea deal.


Hazara Shi’ite pilgrims massacred in Pakistan —again

Lashkar-e-Jhangvi took credit for the massacre of 25 Shi’ite pilgrims, members of the Hazara minority, headed from Pakistan to holy cities in Iran. Sunni militants are escalating attacks on the Hazara, who were targeted for genocide in Taliban Afghanistan.