US detains 200 juveniles in Afghanistan
The US answered to allegations that it has illegally detained juveniles in a prison in Afghanistan in a recent report given to the UN Committee on Rights of the Child.
The US answered to allegations that it has illegally detained juveniles in a prison in Afghanistan in a recent report given to the UN Committee on Rights of the Child.
After an airstrike killed three children in Afghanistan, a US military official said the kids were being used to plant IEDs and that this “widens the aperture” for NATO targetting.
Bomb attacks on Shi’ite processions marking Ashura claimed lives in Pakistan, while Sunnis and Shi’ites clashed in Kabul and a planned attack on Shi’ites was thwarted in Lebanon.
President Karzai said US forces are capturing and holding Afghans in violation of a detainee transfer pact and, that US forces should turn over that responsibility to Karzai’s forces.
The US Treasury Department sanctioned a senior Taliban official for his alleged role in the Afghan opium trade, saying the traffic is used to finance violence.
The next commander of US forces in Afghanistan is prepared to testify that he wants to see a significant US military presence in Afghanistan after the end of 2014.
The European Union is singularly undeserving of the Nobel Peace Prize. A global call must be raised for this year’s prize to be transferred to the truly heroic Malala Yousafzai.
Malala Yousafzai is hailed as a symbol of courage by progressives and secularists in Pakistan, but the American left has been shamefully silent—or else portraying her as a neocon pawn.
Hundreds of Pakistanis, joined by dozens of activists from the US, launched a motorcade “march” against US drone strikes that they hope will reach the Afghan border region.
A checkpoint shooting in eastern Afghanistan’s Wardak province brought the US military’s death toll in the war past 2,000. About as many Afghan civilians are killed each year.
Both imperialism and political Islam see in the current crisis the opportunity to revive the dystopian dialectic of jihad-versus-GWOT—and reverse the gains of the Arab Spring.