Ron Paul: pro-Confederate crank

…that the video could help Paul win South Carolina. We have already noted Paul’s opposition to the Civil Rights Act, as well as birthright citizenship, which was instated by the…

The left’s “al-Qaeda problem”

…at WW4 Report do have misgivings about some of what is stated here—for instance, his call for increasing emergency preparedness at nuclear and chemical plants, even with greater public participation,…

Kosova: precedent for Vermont?

Thomas Rowley Many, Many Problems With The Russia Today Article For instance, Paul Gillies, a former Vermont Deputy Secretary of State, attorney and history, has made no statement asserting the…

Bush, Petraeus betray us

…this instance it’s well-deserved. Now it turns out that even the NY Times gave a big discount on the ad, half price. What’s up with that? Whomever made this…