Iran: online revolt against hijab

Iranian women by the thousands are posting their photos without a hijab on a Facebook page called My Stealthy Freedom, created by London-based Iranian journalist Masih Alinejad, and winning over 180,000 “likes” since…

Whither the ‘Topless Jihad’?

…who received death threats after posting topless pictures of herself online in defiance of the growing hegemony of political Islam in her country. Femen’s followers waged a “topless jihad,” baring…

Podcast: against the ‘red-baiting’ calumny

…CounterVortex An in-depth exploration of the CodePink-Sinhgam controversy… …is online at China Media Project. CounterVortex Podcast transcript: against the ‘red-baiting’ calumny Transcript from CounterVortex podcast of Aug. 26: I must…

Rojava revolution speaks in New York City

Metropolitan area Kurds and their supporters on Nov. 18 held a panel at the City University of New York entitled “Kobanê and the Rojava Revolution”—which actually featured a live Skype