Does Eritrea back Somali insurgents?

Sudan‘s security forces arrested a Somali insurgent leader while he was attempting to cross the border to Eritrea, the Somali news website Mareeg Online reported March 14 from Mogadishu. Muse…

Egypt: Ikhwan unleash rage on Copts

…and Assiut. Egyptians on Twitter used #EgyChurch to crowd-source images and reports of attacks on churches. (Ahram Online, Ahram Online, Middle East Online, BBC News, Aug. 15; Al Jazeera, Aug. 12) Please support our fund drive….

Can Electoral College save the republic?

Bill Weinberg Petition for Electoral Nullification The petition “Electoral College: Make Hillary Clinton President on December 19” is online at It has won 2,010,778 signatures, of the 3 million it…

Peak oil apocalyptoids: eating crow yet?

…oil sources online requires periodic price spikes. So both the Peaksters and the Cornucopians just don’t get it. tells us the current price is just shy of $92 per barrel—about…

Moorish Science in the news

…Rahiymu El Bey,ISLAM Bill Weinberg Some clarifications The “Circle 7 Koran” of the Noble Drew Ali is online. There certainly were birth certificates and drivers’ licenses during the period that…

Wuhan death toll massively under-counted?

Speaking April 14 at COVIDCon, an online Oslo Freedom Forum event presented by the Human Rights Foundation, exiled Chinese dissident Yang Jianli of the DC-based Citizen Power Initiatives for China…