Odessa massacre: fascism on both sides, thank you

Ukraine's anarcho-syndicalist Autonomous Workers' Union has issued a "Statement on the Odessa Tragedy," calling the horrific May 2 violence there a "clash of right-wing combatants," with "football hooligans and Euromaidan self-defence on the one side; Stalinists, pro-Russian paramilitaries and local police force on the other." The clash climaxed when the pro-Russian ("Antimaidan") protesters fled into the city's Trade Union house, and barricaded the doors. The pro-Ukrainian forces besieged it; Molotov cocktails were thrown "both to and fro the roof of the building," which eventually went up in flames. Some 40 of those inside were killed, either burned or sufficating in the smoke. 

Since then, the Russian and pro-Russian media have been sensationalizing the Odessa massacre in the most exploitative style, while the Western media are predictably giving it little play. Typically, Voice of Russia refers to 46 "burned alive," as if they all met their deaths that way, which is improbable. Among the pro-Russian sources (unfortunatley being forwarded around much by "progressives" in the West) is the Borotba Union, which refers to the pro-Ukrainian forces only as "nazi squads" (such overheated terminilogy seems increasingly common in pro-Russian accounts). The AWU statement asserts that militants from the Borotba Union, which appears to be an amalgalm of Stalinism and pan-Slavism, were actually on the scene at the Odessa riot, inciting things at the Trade Union house.

The Western media, e.g. Reuters, have been giving far more play to the incident two days later, in which pro-Russian protesters stormed a police station in Odessa and succeeded in freeing nearly 70 of their comrades who had been arrested in the street-fighting. They seem to have won over some of the police at the scene, who demonstrated their loyalty to the protesters by donning the offered St. George's ribbons, a Russian military insignia that has become a symbol of the separatist revolt. Ukrainian nationalists are petitioning for the ribbon to be outlawed. Tellingly, the insignia goes back to the Order of St. George established by Catherine the Great, abolished by the Soviets, and revived after the fall of the USSR—but the insignia (although not the order) was first revived by Stalin in World War II, as Russian nationalism began to loom larger in his ideology than Bolshevik anti-monarchism. (WP, May 5)

Kiev has since dispatched "special forces" to Odessa, and fighting also flared at Slavyansk in the east of the country. Four government helicopters have now reportedly been downed by pro-Russian rebels (or actual Russian troops?) in the east. Alarmingly, the Kiev government has reinstated military conscription (which had been abolished only last year, under Yanukovych). (Reuters, May 5; BBC News, May 1)

Also quite alarmingly, Israel's Haaretz newspaper reports that "hundreds of Jews have been fleeing Ukraine since the start of year and heading to Israel." The number of new immigrants from Ukraine registered at Israel's Ministry of Immigrant Absorption in the first three months of the year totaled 557, an increase of 43% over the same period last year. And small wonder. The Jewsih Telegraphic Agency reported April 10 that the Holocaust memorial in Odessa was defaced with swastikas and the SS symbol, along with the words "Death to the Jews" and "Right Sector"—the name of a far-right formation that has come to the fore since the Maidan protests. Now, was this really the work of Right Sector, or pro-Russian provocateurs? As we've argued, it really doesn't matter very much.

Israel seems to be going along with the Russian propaganda that it is only the Ukrainian side that is infected with the fascist virus. Israel's honorary consul in Rio de Janeiro, Osias Wurman, told Voice of Russia that a reason for Putin's animosity for the new Ukrainian government is "anti-Semitic movements and manifestations." He added: "Undoubtedly, the pro-Jewish atmosphere currently is much more credible in Russia than in Ukraine. Many of those 'revolutionaries' belong to the ultranationalist, racist and far-right Svoboda party." (JTA, April 9)

Ironically, there have been reports of clandestine Israeli support for Svoboda-linked militias in Ukraine. Whether true or not, the stench of fascism infects both sides in this conflict, and it should give "progressives" in the West pause to be uncritically accepting the same line pushed by Israel.

The AWU statement decries the "Antimaidan" forces, led "by the most reactionary clerical conservatives," but adds: "On the other hand, we are disgusted by the reaction of the right-liberal and patriotic general public which takes delight in the Odessa deaths… As Ukrainian workers side with various warring right-wing movements, they are sliding further from socialism to barbarism. The cure is well-known: we should realize our own class interests, organize at workplaces and direct our rage against the real enemy, not at each other."

We concur, and we insist, yet again, that the work of progressives and anti-war activists in the West is not to favor one side or the other in a fight between rival reactionary oligarchs and militarists, but to build solidarity with dissident and anti-militarist forces in Russia and Ukraine alike…

  1. Fascist pseudo-anti-fascism in Ukraine

    The Borotba Union responds to the AWU's criticisms by fascist-baiting the AWU, saying they "tried to collaborate with far-right and Nazi forces that dominate in Euromaidan protest." That's a lot of deceit to pack into one short phrase. "Tried to"? What prevented them? Right-wing forces did not "dominate" the Maidan protests, and those right-wing forces were not exactly "Nazi." Finally, Borotba ignores everything AWU said criticizing the right-wing content of the Maidan movement. And of course there is no acknowledgement of the fascist content on the pro-Russian side. Yet, alarmingly, the Borotba statement closes with the time-honored anti-fascist and anarchist slogans, "No pasaran!" and "No gods, no masters, no nations, no borders!" Yeah, no masters except Vladimir Putin, it seems. This is another case of the Paradoxical Anti-Fascist Rhetoric of Contemporary Crypto-Fascism. As we recently had to warn in regard to the redneck right in the US, which incessantly Hitler-baits Obama: A critical key to resisting fascism's rise is learning to recognize it in its new guises—even when it paradoxically employs anti-fascist rhetoric.

  2. Odessa Jewish leaders deny evacuation plans

    Leaders of the Jewish community of Odessa, denied reports about the existence of evacuation plans for the city’s Jews. "In connection with reports on the planned evacuation of the Jewish community of Odessa: No such plans exist," Berl Kapulkin, a spokesperson for the local Chabad community, said in a statement on the website Chabad.odessa.ua.

    Titled "Rebuttal," the statement concerns a May 5 Jerusalem Post report saying that community leaders told a reporter that "Odessa's Jews are prepared to evacuate should the violence" in the city get significantly worse.

    Tania Vorobyov, a spokesperson for Beit Grand, Odessa's largest Jewish community center and a major partner of the local office of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, said "the reports about evacuation are baseless rumors. Jews in Odessa are worried about the violence like all other Odessans but have no special plans to leave as a community." (JTA, May 7)

  3. Fascist pseudo-anti-fascism in Russia

    A May 8 report on the Human Rights in Ukraine website cites Russian-language sources alleging that the "neo-Nazi" Russian National Unity movement and its leader Alexander Barkashov are involved in the separatist movement in Ukraine's east. It also states:

    Putin signed a law on May 5 making the denial of Nazi crimes and distortion of the Soviet Union's role in the World War Two a criminal offence punishable by up to five years in jail. Surveys have already found a large number of Russians unaware that the Soviet Union collaborated with Nazi Germany until June 22 1941.

    We oppose such a law as much as we oppose the stupid, counter-productive laws criminalizing Holocaust denial in European countries, although we think it is being imposed for more cynical reasons in Putin's Russia. As for the historical revisionism, we certainly hope the surveys are inaccurate, although it is almost comforting that the Russians are as ignorant as Americans, a majority of whom probably believe the enemy in World War II was Russia, not Germany. But, again, there is a special ironic note to the revisionism in Russia, given the current "Red-Brown" or "Eurasianist" posture of Moscow, hearkening back to the Hilter-Stalin Pact…

  4. ECHR rules Ukraine failed to prevent 2014 Odessa violence​

    The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) ruled March 13 that Ukraine violated the European Convention on Human Rights by failing to prevent and investigate violence during the Odesa’s pro-European Maidan protests in 2014.

    In late April 2014, Ukrainian authorities obtained intelligence showing signs of possible incitement to violence at the “For a United Ukraine” rally in Odesa on May 2, 2014. However, on the rally day, limited police forces were deployed to the city center. Video footage from the protest showed inaction by the police when pro-Russian activists and Maidan supporters were firing numerous shots, throwing stones and Molotov cocktails at each other. Despite numerous calls to the fire brigade, the fire service was not deployed to the scene until later in the evening when a fire broke out in the Trade Union Building, claiming 42 lives.

    Between June 2017 and October 2018, 28 people filed applications to the ECHR, claiming that the state had failed to protect their lives and those of their relatives and that there had been no effective domestic investigation into the matter. As a result, the applicants argued the state violated Article 2 (right to life), Article 3 (prohibition of inhumane or degrading treatment) and Article 13 (right to an effective remedy) of the Convention.

    A unanimous court held that Ukrainian authorities violated the applicants’ right to life when they failed to do everything that could reasonably be expected of them to prevent the violence, to stop the violence after its outbreak, to ensure the timely rescue of people trapped by fire, and to conduct an effective investigation into the events. (Jurist)