The Taliban used gunfire, beatings and arrests to disperse scores of protesters who marched through Kabul on Sept. 7âthe largest demonstration the Afghan capital has seen since the militant group seized power last month. Videos shared on social media showed activists shouting in support of resistance fighters in the Panjshir Valleyâand chanting against Pakistan, which they view as backing the Taliban. In the footage, protesters can be heard shouting “Death to Pakistan” as they marched toward the presidential palace. (Khaama, CNN)
Undeterred by the repression, the following day tens of women marched in Kabul to protest the all-male cabinet just announced as an interim government by the “Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan.” They held signs demanding that women be given seats in the new cabinet. (Khaama)
In the mounting protests since the Taliban took over, women have been in the vanguard.
Photo: Khaama