A Burmese court in Sittwe on March 19 sentenced prominent Rakhine ethnic leader Aye Maung to 20 years in prison for treason and defamation stemming from a January 2018 speech made one day before deadly riots broke out in Mrauk-U township. Maung, a member of parliament and former chairman of the Arakan National Party, was arrested along with writer Wai Hin Aung days after giving "inflammatory" speeches. Maung is said to have accused the ethnic Bamar-dominated ruling National League for Democracy (NLD) government of treating the ethnic Rakhine people (also known as the Arakan) like "slaves." Seven people were killed the evening after the speeches, when Rakhine protestors seized a government building and police opened fire. Maung’s lawyers are unsure if he will appeal at this time, as a new trial in the case could result in a death sentence. Both Maung and Aung received 18 years for treason and two for defamation.
From Jurist, March 20. Used with permission.
Note: The sentence comes amid new fighting between Burmese government forces and the Arakan Army rebel militia. A report from Burma Task Force upon Aye Maung's April 2017 election to parliament calls him a "genocidalist" who ran on a platform demonizing Rakhine state's persecuted Rohingya people.
Photo via Myanmar Times