English-language media accounts are calling Argentina’s far-right president-elect Javier Milei a “self-described anarcho-capitalist,” but this appears to be a translation error. In Episode 203 of the CounterVortex podcast, Bill Weinberg sets the record straight, exposing “anarcho-capitalism” as an oxymoron and the fascistic Milei as antithetical to everything that Argentina’s proud anarchist tradition ever stood for. Listen on SoundCloud or via Patreon.
Production by Chris Rywalt
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Anarcho-capitalist flag via Wikimedia Commons, defaced by CounterVortex
Correction re. CounterVortex podcast 203
Yes, it is episode 203. Not 202 as is incorrectly stated in the audio.
Books discussed in CounterVortex podcast 203
Argentina: From Anarchism to Peronism by Ronaldo Munck, et al, Zed Books, 1987
Da emigranti a ribelli: Storie di anarchici calabresi in Argentina by Oscar Greco, Klipper Edizioni, Cosenza, 2009