Watching the Shadows

Gitmo detainee requests immediate relief

Human rights lawyers filed an emergency motion alleging that guards at Guantánamo Bay have denied drinking water and sufficient clothing to a Yemeni prisoner. 

Watching the Shadows

Press was prone on drones, but cover blown

The media are abuzz with reports that the CIA has a secret drone base in Saudi Arabia—but the New York Times and Washington Post admit they sat on the information for two years. 


Pakistan Foreign Minister condemns drone attacks

Pakistan’s Foreign Minister Hina Rabbani Khar condemned US drone attacks as a violation of Pakistan’s sovereignty and international law, “counter-productive” to fighting terrorism.

Greater Middle East

Amnesty: human rights ‘catastrophe’ in Yemen

A report by Amnesty International documents a "raft of gross and deeply disturbing abuses" committed by both Islamist rebels and government forces in the battle for southern Yemen.


From Afghanistan to Tunisia: back to GWOT?

Both imperialism and political Islam see in the current crisis the opportunity to revive the dystopian dialectic of jihad-versus-GWOT—and reverse the gains of the Arab Spring.

The Andes

Assange and Ecuador: no monopoly on hypocrisy

Julian Assange’s supporters accuse the media of hypocrisy in pointing to Ecuador’s sketchy record on press freedom—but come dangerously close to apologizing for repression.

Greater Middle East

Will provocateur film derail Arab Spring?

In the wave of protest over a provocateur-produced "film" dissing the Prophet Mohammed, jihadists could be seizing back the initiative from secular revolutionaries in the Arab world.