Watching the Shadows

Tunisia to seek return of citizens held at Gitmo

Tunisia announced its intention to plead for the return of its remaining citizens being held at Guantánamo Bay. Rights groups say that the fall of the Ben Ali dictatorship means the detainees will no longer be at risk if they are transferred to Tunisia.

Watching the Shadows

Military Court upholds sentence of al-Qaeda media director

The US Court of Military Commission Review rule that Ali Hamza Ahmad Suliman al-Bahlul, media secretary of Osama bin Laden, was properly convicted of being a propagandist and should spend the rest of this life in prison.

Watching the Shadows

Convicted Abu Ghraib ringleader released early

Convicted Abu Ghraib torture ringleader Spc. Charles Graner was released early from Fort Leavenworth, as the Justice Department has opened an investigation into the apparent torture-death of an Abu Ghraib detainee at the hands of the CIA.

Watching the Shadows

Should World War 4 Report honor the PayPal boycott?

The hacker group Anonymous has called a boycott of PayPal over its refusal to facilitate donations to WikiLeaks. While we demand answers on WikiLeaks’ apparent collaboration with the Belarus dictatorship, the boycott may still have merit. What do you think?

Watching the Shadows

Federal judge overturns release of Yemeni Gitmo detainee

A judge for the US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia overturned the release of Yemeni Guantánamo Bay detainee Hussein Salem Mohammed Almerfedi, finding circumstantial evidence that he is part of al-Qaeda.

Watching the Shadows

Patriot Act extended through 2015

President Obama signed a four-year extension of the Patriot Act minutes before it was set to expire—following three days of filibustering by Sen. Rand Paul over concerns about gun rights and privacy.

Watching the Shadows

Did Osama bin Laden hit violate international law?

Some international law experts are calling the Osama bin Laden killing an illegal “extrajudicial assassination”—as the White House equivocates on whether an effort was made to take bin Laden alive.

Watching the Shadows

Petraeus to CIA; regime change on agenda?

The ascension to Langley of Gen. David Petraeus—architect of Bush’s Iraq “surge”—comes just as the Obama administration has explicitly taken on a regime change project in Libya.