
Pakistan: women disenfranchised, persecuted

In a deal with village elders, women are being denied the vote in northwest Pakistan's local elections—as clerics call for military action against "immodest" dress.

Greater Middle East

Syria: Nusra Front announces drive on Damascus

Islamist rebels led by al-Qaeda affiliate Nusra Front have seized new territory in northwestern Syria, and issued a pledge to take Damascus and topple the regime.

North America

Christian terror plot on Catskill Muslims

A Sufi cleric who is a vocal critic of fundamentalist Islam is targeted by a fundamentalist Christian preacher who sought to massacre the Sufi's community in upstate New York.

South Asia

Ismaili Muslims massacred in Pakistan

In an attack claimed by ISIS, gunmen on motorcycles stopped a commuter bus carrying Ismaili Muslims in Karachi, boarded it and opened fire on the passengers, killing at least 45.


ISIS franchise: Nigeria to Yemen to Pakistan

Over the past two months, the ISIS international franchise has made gains from West Africa to the Indian subcontinent, with militants in several countries proclaiming for the "caliphate."

South Asia

Bangladesh: protest murder of secular blogger

Hundreds of protesters gathered in Dhaka to denounce the murder of blogger Avijit Roy, who was hacked to death with machetes following threats over his atheist views.

Greater Middle East

Turkish troops in Kobani incursion

Turkish forces crossed into Syria, officially to relocate an Ottoman historic site that had been threatened by ISIS—but also to intimidate the autonomist Kurds in control of the region?

Greater Middle East

ISIS burns cannabis, snorts coke?

As ISIS burns the cannabis fields of northern Syria, Kurdish fighters at Kobani claim that ISIS forces besieging the town are snorting cocaine to keep their spirits up.