
Fascist pseudo-anti-fascism advances in Russia

Putin's political machine convened an "anti-fascist" summit at Yalta in annexed Crimea, attended by Hungary's Jobbik party, the British Nationalist Party and other neo-fascist entities.


Anti-Semitism and ‘cognitive infiltrators’

Common Dreams website claims to have conducted an investigation revealing that "more than a thousand" anti-Semitic comments posted to the site "were written with deceptive purpose."


Elie Wiesel blames the victims

Elie Wiesel asks the world to stand with "the people of Israel" in their "struggle for survival"—but only with those in Gaza "who reject terror and embrace peace."


Europe’s fascist resurgence: East and West

The rise of far-right "anti-Europe" parties in the Europarliament elections echoes escalating ultra-nationalist and neo-fascist rhetoric on both sides in the Russo-Ukraine conflict.


Cold War time warp in Ukraine coverage

While claiming to withdraw troops from Ukriane's borders, Russia conducted military maneuvers that included nuclear missile tests—as NATO sends a special delegation to Kiev.

Greater Middle East

Syria: massacres and hypocrisy

Assad's partisans tout a supposed massacre by jihadists near Damascus, while igonoring the much larger and thoroughly verified one being carried out by the regime in Aleppo.


Nelson Mandela: forgotten history

Nelson Mandela was arrested in 1962 thanks to CIA intelligence, and only removed from the US "terrorist watch list" in 2008—15 years after his Nobel Peace Prize.

Greater Middle East

Syria’s Christians become propaganda pawns

Syria’s Christians are becoming propaganda fodder in an international war of perceptions, with atrocities carried out by the jihadist Nusra Front being attributed to the FSA.

Greater Middle East

9-11 and Syria: a propaganda field day

The popular meme "I didn't join the army to fight for al-Qaeda in Syria" is a betrayal of Syria's secular civil resistance—which continues even now to exist and struggle for freedom.