Watching the Shadows

ACLU challenges NSA surveillance measures

Claiming standing as a Verizon customer, the American Civil Liberties Union filed suit against the National Security Agency, challenging its recently revealed phone data collection. 

East Asia

Edward Snowden a hit on Sina Weibo

NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden has been a big hit among freedom-hungry Chinese cyber-cognoscenti, placing Beijing in a bind on whether to support or betray him.

East Asia

Tiananmen Square revisionism —again

Commentators in China and the West alike portray the Tiananmen massacre as a legacy of Maoism. But was the repression in spite of China's capitalist transition, or a function of it? 

Greater Middle East

Bahrain court sentences protesters up to 15 years

A Bahrain court issued sentences to three activists for taking part in anti-government protests as well as attempting to kill a police officer in a clash at a Shi’ite village.

South Asia

Workers’ uprising in Bangladesh

Garment workers in Bangladesh walked off the job, blocked roads, attacked factories and smashed vehicles, paralyzing at least three industrial areas outside Dhaka.

Central Asia

China: US hand in Xinjiang violence?

Deadly clashes between Uighurs and Chinese police in Xinjiang came as US Ambassador Gary Locke was visiting the restive province with a trade delegation.

North Africa

Whither the ‘Topless Jihad’?

Rival online campaigns are waged by the "Topless Jihad" and Muslim Women Against Femen. Is the Topless Jihad a defense of women's freedom, or imperialist propaganda?

Central Asia

China: Mongol herders’ protest march blocked

Police in China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region blocked an attempted cross-country march by traditional Mongol herders, with police assaulting hundreds in two incidents.

Central Asia

Tibet mine disaster exposes internal colonialism

As rescuers struggle to reach workers trapped by a landslide at a Tibetan gold mine, China’s authorities “scrubbed” microblog comments on the costs of breakneck mineral exploitation.

Greater Middle East

Bahrain rights activists on hunger strike

Two Bahraini human rights activists have intensified their hunger strike and are refusing fluids, according to a report by the Bahrain Center for Human Rights (BCHR).


Mexican media mum on murderous mayhem

Gangland street shoot-outs in Tamaulipas left scores dead this past week just south of the Texas border—without a word of coverage in Mexico’s media, due to cartel threats.