Southeast Asia

Thailand: editor sentenced for defaming king

A military court in Thailand sentenced web editor Nut Rungwong to four-and-a-half years in prison—the latest journalist convicted of defaming the nation's king.


Hungary drops proposed Internet tax law

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban announced that his proposed Internet tax will be dropped after the legislation instating the tax sparked mass protests in Budapest.

Greater Middle East

Bahrain activist charged over insulting tweets

Rights activist Nabeel Rajab faces criminal charges over his tweets that claimed Bahrain's security institutions were the first incubators for extremist ideology.

East Asia

Hong Kong: dissent spreads to mainland

Dozens of activists across the People's Republic have been detained for posting online statements in support of the Hong Kong protests, and even raising placards in public.

Central Asia

Next: Free Siberia?

In a little-noted irony, as Vladiimir Putin backs the "People's Republics" in eastern Ukraine, he has cracked down on a separatist movement that has emerged in Siberia.


Fascist pseudo-anti-fascism advances in Russia

Putin's political machine convened an "anti-fascist" summit at Yalta in annexed Crimea, attended by Hungary's Jobbik party, the British Nationalist Party and other neo-fascist entities.


Israel detains Palestinian for Facebook posts

Palestinian activist Suhaib Zahida was ordered detained by an Israeli court for starting an "Intifada of Hebron" Facebook page and advocating a boycott of Israeli products.


Anti-Semitism and ‘cognitive infiltrators’

Common Dreams website claims to have conducted an investigation revealing that "more than a thousand" anti-Semitic comments posted to the site "were written with deceptive purpose."