East Asia

China: prominent rights lawyer released

Chinese human rights lawyer Pu Zhiqiang received a suspended sentence and was released—after protesters clashed with police at the courthouse when he was convicted.

South Asia

Bangladesh: executions amid net silence

The Bangladeshi government imposed a social media blackout ahead of the execution of two opposition figures convicted of war crimes committed during the 1971 independence war.


Nigeria: anguish amid Boko Haram terror

As yet another Boko Haram attack left 30 dead at a vegetable market, Nigerian activists decried the disparity in online and media response with the Paris attacks.


Ethiopia: ‘Zone 9’ bloggers acquitted

Five Ethiopian bloggers were acquitted of "terrorism" charges related to writings on their Zone9 website—but one remains detained for "inciting violence."

Greater Middle East

AKP-ISIS collaboration in Ankara massacre?

Several PKK sympathizers have been arrested in connection with the Ankara suicide blasts—but the Turkish left charges that the ruling AKP collaborated with ISIS in the attack.

Greater Middle East

Tatar militants pledge to Syria’s Nusra Front?

In a claim convenient to Russian war propaganda, a group of Tatars calling themselves the Crimean Jamaat reportedly pledged loyalty to Nusra Front, al-Qaeda's Syrian franchise.