Planet Watch

Obama: no retreat from “clean nuclear power” plans

Despite the Fukushima nuclear disaster, Obama’s 2012 budget calls for an additional $36 billion in loan guarantees for new nuclear power plants. Obama last week called nuclear power an “important part” of his energy agenda.

Planet Watch

California rejects oil industry’s Proposition 23

California voters defeated Proposition 23, voting 61.3% in favor of keeping the state’s 2006 greenhouse gas reduction law, the Global Warming Solutions Act, considered the strongest in the nation.

Planet Watch

Deepwater Horizon: where is the oil?

Massive fish kills are still being reported from the Louisiana coast as BP finally completes the relief well at Macondo, supposedly putting a final end to the Gulf disaster.

Planet Watch

New Gulf explosion points to ongoing oil risks

Although before the Deepwater Horizon disaster they won little media attention, government statistics show that more than 100 fires and explosions take place in the Gulf of Mexico each year.