Planet Watch

US imperialism hands off the asteroids!

Supposed ecological crusader and Avatar creator James Cameron, along with Google heavies Larry Page and Eric Schmidt, is among the “investor and advisor group” of Planetary Resources Inc—which aims to start mining the asteroids.

Planet Watch

Ottawa plays China card in North American pipeline wars

With the Keystone pipeline to the US stalled, Canada’s government is pushing a new Pacific route from the Alberta tar sands fields for export to China. But First Nations in the proposed pipelines’ path oppose both routes.

Planet Watch

Quebec: Innu women march against hydro mega-project

A group of 40 women of the Innu indigenous nation in northern Quebec have launched a cross-country march on Montreal to protest the provincial government’s Plan Nord, a mega-project that would open the north to mining and energy companies.

Planet Watch

EPA places first greenhouse gas limits on new power plants

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) proposed the nation’s first Clean Air Act standard for carbon dioxide emissions from new power plants. But ecologists protest that existing plants are grandfathered in, among other loopholes.

Planet Watch

Meanwhile, the oceans are dying…

A new report by British scientists finds that the current level of carbon dioxide emissions will wipe out about 30% of the world’s marine species by the end of the century. Released carbon dioxide is leading to acidification of the oceans.

Planet Watch

Obama shilling for drilling, backing fracking

President Obama effuses about turning the US into “the Saudi Arabia of natural gas”—as new EPA studies find water wells contaminated with toxic chemicals from “hydraulic fracturing” across the country, sparking anger from affected residents.

Planet Watch

Obama denies permit for Keystone XL pipeline

President Obama denied a permit for the controversial Keystone XL oil sands pipeline, saying the deadline imposed by Congress did not leave enough time to conduct the necessary review. Developer TransCanada said it will re-apply.