Planet Watch

Obama and the KXL-TPP contradiction

Obama nixed the Keystone XL pipeline a day after announcing he will sign the Trans-Pacific Partnership—which includes mechanisms for challenging the KXL cancellation.

Planet Watch

British Columbia mine waste spill: one year later

One year after a catastrophic waste spill at British Columbia's Mount Polley Mine, the facility is set to re-open—but its expansion is blocked by the opposition of local First Nations.

Planet Watch

Russia files revised bid for arctic territory

Russia’s Foreign Ministry submitted a new bid claiming over 350 nautical miles of oil-rich Arctic sea shelf before the  UN Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf.

Planet Watch

Ice Age fears: don’t believe the hype

Russia Today trumpets specious claims of a new Little Ice Age—convenient propaganda for Putin to go on exploiting Arctic oil without worrying about global warming.

Planet Watch

New York state puts fracking ban in place

The New York Department of Environmental Conservation released a final environmental impact statement on the dangers of fracking, officially banning the practice in the state.