The Andes

FARC threatens to disavow renegade units

A threat to the Colombian peace talks emerged as some FARC units unilaterally attacked government forces and declared their non-compliance with the ceasefire.

The Andes

Colombia: cocaine mega-busts keep coming

Amid moves toward peace in Colombia, the goad of the war—the country's lucrative cocaine trade—clearly remains robust, as record-breaking hauls are reported.

Southern Cone

Paraguay: demand freedom for massacre survivors

Rights activists in Paraguay are demanding acquittal of 11 peasants facing charges related to the 2012 massacre at Curuguaty, which led to removal of the country's leftist president.

Southeast Asia

Burmese opium farmers protest eradication

As ethnic insurgencies continue, opium-growers in Burma's northern mountains issued a statement demanding a halt to eradication programs as essential to any peace deal.

Central America

Honduras: son of ex-prez guilty on coke charge

The son of Honduras' ex-president Porfirio Lobo pleaded guilty to cocaine trafficking charges in a federal court in Manhattan, and faces a mandatory 10-year prison term.


Mexican judge approves Chapo extradition

A federal judge in Mexico ruled that drug lord "Chapo" Guzmán may be extradited to the US—where he faces numerous federal charges of trafficking, kidnapping and murder.