Central Asia

Tibet: anti-mining protesters under siege

Ethnic Tibetans protesting what they called illegal mining operations clashed with Chinese security forces in Qinghai province, where hundreds of troops are deployed.

The Andes

Colombian town expels mining company

After a lengthy dispute with global mega-firm AngloGold Ashanti, the people of the central Colombian town of Piedras passed a referendum to halt the company's operations. 

Central America

Guatemala: mining companies are dealt setbacks

Courts in Guatemala and Canada have issued important rulings in favor of anti-mining activists, and even President Pérez Molina has called for a moratorium on new licenses.

The Andes

Colombia: strikes halt US coal giant Drummond

Indefinite strikes brought Drummond’s coal mining operations to a halt in Colombia, putting further pressure on the country’s economy amid a growing wave of labor actions. 

Southeast Asia

Chinese mining interests take hit in Philippines

The Philippines high court issued a "temporary environment protection order" against 94 Chinese-owned "small-scale mines" operating on the margins of the law in Luzon region. 


Anti-mining protests in Mexico, Canada

The July 22 Global Day of Action Against Open-Pit Mining, most widely observed in the Andean nations, also saw coordinated protests in NAFTA partners Mexico and Canada.