Turkish enviros block road to mine site
Local residents and environmentalists blocked the road to a forest area in the Cerattepeli region of Turkey's Black Sea province of Artvin to block preparation of a mining project.
Local residents and environmentalists blocked the road to a forest area in the Cerattepeli region of Turkey's Black Sea province of Artvin to block preparation of a mining project.
Members of the Pemón indigenous people blocked the landing strip of Venezuela's Canaima National Park in protest of illegal miners operating on their lands.
Indigenous people and advocacy groups charge the mega-project to build a transcontinental railway through the Amazon basin would mean "genocide" for isolated tribes.
Indigenous leaders from across Argentina's 17 provinces met in Buenos Aires to coordinate resistance to dispossession from their ancestral lands by development interests.
Nine Turkish miners demanding justice in last year's Soma mining disaster that killed over 300 face six years in prison for violating the law restricting demonstrations.
One was killed at some 200 injured when police fired on striking miners blocking a highway near the Shougang Hierro iron mine in Peru's coastal province of Nazca.
Peru's government declared a two-month period of martial law in the southern region of Arequipa where residents are protesting the construction of a copper mine.
Deadly repression of a mass protest march over regional development issues in Linshui, Sichuan, comes as wildcat strikes are hitting China's mineral sector.
Southern Copper Corp announced a 60-day halt in its huge Tia Maria project in southern Peru following seven weeks of escalating protests in which three have been killed.
Small-scale gold and emerald miners in Colombia launched a strike, blocking roads at several points across the central department of Antioquia to protest raids on their operations.
Hundreds of indigenous and Afro-Colombian protesters in Colombia's Cauca region marched cross-country against illegal gold mining—despite paramilitary threats.
Street-fighting in Kosova's capital Pristina was portrayed as more Serb-Albanian "ethnic hatred," but it came as workers occuiped the Trepca mining complex to resist privatization.