
Kurdish guerillas kill Iranian army commander

Guerillas affiliated with the Democratic Party of Iranian Kurdistan (PDKI) clashed with Iranian military forces near the Iraq border, leaving a senior army commander dead.


Syria: first US air-strikes on ISIS at Kobani

The US-led coalition launched its first air-strikes targeting ISIS positions outside the besieged Kurdish town of Kobani, where PKK fighters are holding out against the jihadists.


First US air-strikes on ISIS targets in Syria

Warplanes flying from the USS George HW Bush carried out the first US air-strikes against ISIS targets in Syria, with planes from five Arab countries also participating in the raids.


Syria: ISIS-besieged Kurds appeal for aid

The Kurdish town of Kobani is holding out against a dramatic ISIS advance into Syrian territory, and local leaders are calling for a pan-Kurdish mobilization for the town's defense.


ISIS blows up birthplace of Saladin

ISIS militants destroyed the Citadel of Tikrit, birthplace of Saladin and one of Iraq's most important archeological sites. The jihadists meanwhile seized several Syrian towns.


ISIS: will US intervention fuel sectarian war?

If Washington is perceived as leading an alliance that includes Iran and Hezbollah, this will augment the propaganda assistance loaned to ISIS with every US missile that falls.


Obama sees long war against ISIS

The Obama administration is preparing to carry out a campaign against ISIS that may take three years to complete, involving a coalition of some 40 countries.


Iran sends troops and drones to fight ISIS

Despite Tehran's denials, reports mount from northern Iraq that Revolutionary Guards have been sent into battle against ISIS, and an Iranian drone crashed in a Kurdish village.


ISIS massacres 700 Turkmen: report

ISIS fighters massacred 700 Turkmen civilians—including women, children and the elderly—in a northern Iraqi village last month, a UNICEF official reports.