Greater Middle East

Syria: world betrays Aleppo (of course)

As Assad regime and Russian air-strikes continue on the beseiged populace of Aleppo, media in the West increasingly echo regime propaganda of justified "counter-attacks."

Planet Watch

A ‘New Oil Order’?

Experts declare a "new oil order" in which hydrocarbons will lose market share to renewables. But is it market conditions or geopolitics that explain the current price slump?

Greater Middle East

American ‘left’ abetting genocide in Syria

In the 1930s, the American left built solidarity with those who stood up to the authors of the Guernica terror in Spain. Today it stands on the side of fascism and genocide in Syria.

Greater Middle East

Syria: Kurdish-FSA conflict cleaves resistance

Fierce fighting between Kurdish-led YPG forces and Arab factions aligned with the Free Syrian Army is deepening a split within the Syrian resistance to both ISIS and Assad.

Greater Middle East

More Green Berets to Syria: on whose side?

Obama is to mobilize 250 troops to Syria, helping Arab militias fight ISIS. Will these militias be brought under the Kurdish-led coalition—or will the Kurds be isolated to appease Turkey?

Greater Middle East

Revolution in Syria and Turkey: mutual betrayal?

One of the greatest tragedies on the global stage now is that revolutions are going on in both Syria and Turkey—and they are being pitted against each other in the Great Game.

Greater Middle East

Bernie Sanders must drop Tulsi Gabbard!

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, a key supporter of Bernie Sanders, is also a supporter of the genocidal dictatorship of Bashar Assad. Bernie’s partisans urgently need to call him on this.

Southeast Asia

Mindanao: deadly clash with ISIS forces

At least 18 Philippine soldiers and five militants were killed in a 10-hour fire-fight with the ISIS-loyal Abu Sayyaf group on the conflicted southern island of Mindanao.

North Africa

Libya sees explosive growth of ISIS

ISIS forces in Libya have doubled over the past year, now reaching up to 6,000 fighters, according to Gen. David M. Rodriguez, head of US Africa Command.

Greater Middle East

Palmyra: not a ‘liberation’

The taking of Palmyra from ISIS by Assad regime forces backed by Russian air-strikes means the city's transfer from one genocidal entity to another, say activists on the ground.


Brussels terror boon to GOP

Republican presidential hopefuls rushed to exploit the Brussels attacks, with Ted Cruz calling for police surveillance of Muslims and Trump actually broaching nuclear strikes.