Greater Middle East

The Nation magazine spreads lies on Syria

The Nation magazine's avid Putin propagandist Stephen F. Cohen repeats the Moscow-line lie that Russia is bombing ISIS in Aleppo—despite the fact that ISIS is not in Aleppo.

Greater Middle East

Syria: Turkey invades ā€”against ISIS or Kurds?

Turkey launched a major military intervention in Syria to assist rebel forces fighting ISIS—but threatening the Kurdish forces also fighting ISIS, portrayed as equally "terrorist."


Iraq hangs 36 for Camp Speicher massacre

Iraqi authorities carried out the hanging of 36 accused ISIS militants convicted in the 2014 Camp Speicher massacre—but rights groups said the trials failed to meet judicial standards.

Greater Middle East

Escalating internationalization of Syria war

The US Ā for the first time scrambled jets in response to Assad regime aggression when its Kurdish anti-ISIS partners came under bombardmentā€”foreboding direct conflict with Russia.

Greater Middle East

‘Anti-war’ left abets Syria genocide

As doctors in beseiged Aleppo issue a desperate plea for a no-fly zone to protect civilians in the city, the "anti-war" (sic) left in the US mobilizes to defeat the proposal.

North Africa

Pentagon admits: US troops fight in Libya

US special operations troops are for the first time directly supporting local forces battling ISIS in their key Libyan stronghold of Sirte, the Washington Post reports.

Greater Middle East

Syria and moral double standards

By maintaining silence on Assad regime and Russian aerial terror in Syria—or even seeking to justify it—the Western left squanders its credibility to protest US war crimes.

North Africa

Libya: US warplanes join battle for Sirte

US warplanes launched a new round of air-strikes against ISIS targets in the Libyan city of Sirte—the first such strikes carried out in support of local ground forces.


Fascist imperative behind relentless terror

There is common political content to all the relentless terror attacksā€”whether they come from the Islamist right or Islamophobie right, theyĀ are equally part of the global reaction.


Afghanistan: ISIS claims massacre of Hazaras

ISIS claimed responsibility for twin suicide blasts that killed at least 80 and wounded 230 Shi'ite Hazaras who were gathered in Kabul for a protest demonstration.