Greater Middle East

Qatar crisis places US regional policing in pickle

Qatar's diplomatic isolation by the other Gulf states, accused of supporting terrorism in the region, heightens contradictions for the Pentagon's use of the critical al-Udeid Air Base.

North Africa

Egypt bombs Libya after new attack on Copts

Egyptian warplanes carried out air-strikes on what President Abdul Fattah al-Sisi called six "terrorist training camps" in Libya after a new massacre of Coptic Christians.


Iraq to investigate Mosul atrocity reports

Iraq's Interior Ministry has launched an investigation following claims of grave human rights violations carried out against civilians by special forces while fighting ISIS in Mosul.


Syria: Trump approves plan to arm Rojava Kurds

TheĀ Rojava Kurds, caught in a pincer between Turkey and ISIS, are being forced to accept superpower aidā€”but with costs for Syrian revolutionary unity against ISIS and Assad.


Iraq in talks for long-term US troop presence

The Trump administration is in talks with Baghdad on keeping "several thousand" US troops in Iraq after the fight against ISIS in the country is over, Associated Press reported.


Syria: a No-Fly Zone for Rojava?

Following Turkish air-strikes on their forces in northern Syria, Kurdish leaders in the region issued a call for a "no-fly zone"—heightening the contradictions for Washington.


Iraq: Turkish air-strikes heighten contradictions

Turkish air-strikes on Kurdish militants both in Iraq and Syria place the US in an increasingly contradictory position—torn between its NATO ally and the most effective anti-ISIS forces.


Hawks fear anarchist haven in Syria

The ultra-hawkish Henry Jackson Society warnsĀ that the US-backed Kurdish forces in Syria are allied with anarchists and elements of the Turkish and European armed left.