Iran: halt execution of political dissident
Amnesty International urged Iran not to carry out the execution of Gholamreza Khosravi Savajani, a political dissident convicted of "enmity against God."
Amnesty International urged Iran not to carry out the execution of Gholamreza Khosravi Savajani, a political dissident convicted of "enmity against God."
Workers in several Iranian industrial centers marched on May Day in defiance of official attempts to shut them down, protesting labor repression and non-payment of wages.
UN human rights experts voiced concern about lack of medical treatment for two political prisoners in Iran—a blogger and a dissident cleric—who are at risk of dying in detention.
Iranian Nobel Peace Prize winner Shirin Ebadi spoke out against her own government and Russia for their "intervention in Syria" on the side of Bashar Assad's regime.
In addition to the naval face-off over a global oil outlet, the Persian Gulf has seen escalating militarization by international forces in the guise of narcotics enforcement.
The P5+1 world powers reached an agreement with Tehran committing Iran to limiting its developing nuclear program in exchange for relief from international sanctions.
Sixteen accused militants were hanged in Iran’s Baluchistan province—in apparent retaliation for the deaths of at least 14 border guards in an ambush just the night before.
Iranian lawyer and human rights activist Nasrin Sotoudeh was released after serving over two years of a six-year prison term for “propaganda against the system.”
Human Rights Watch called upon Iran’s judiciary to drop charges and quash the verdicts against 11 members of a Sufi order convicted in what the rights group called unfair trials.
Some 5,000 US troops are in Jordan to participate in the multi-national Eager Lion exercises—just as Iran is sending 4,000 Revolutionary Guards to support Syria's Bashar Assad.
Thousands gathered to chant "down with the dictator!" at the funeral procession for dissident cleric Ayatollah Jalaluddin Taheri in Isfahan, signaling a renewal of opposition activism.
Following last month's claims about al-Qaeda biggie Sulaiman Abu Ghaith having been sheltered by Iran, Canadian authorities boast breaking up an Iran-backed Qaeda plot.